@ckh2oman It’s annoying that there’s not a consistent shortcut. Maybe it’ll get standardised at some point.
@ckh2oman I remember it particularly because Evernote steals the key combination if you’ve got its clipper running. Took ages to work out!
@ShabbyBean Well, it sounds good, so I’m glad :)
@tyronem I am my own crayon wielder, so I only have myself to blame!
@ShabbyBean Ooooh. Intriguing!
@ShabbyBean Ooooh.
@Souterain My test run was on my Air, where everything was just dandy. Don’t know what was wrong with the iMac. Back in now & reporting to
@ckh2oman Odd. Safari and Mail are both Command-Ctrl-F for Full Screen for me.
@Souterain Of course I have backups. But I want Lion on here, damn it.
@ckh2oman Er. Command-Ctrl-F in most things, I thought?
@tyronem Input controls always seem annoyingly hard to style :(
Oh, great. Installed #Lion on iMac. Now I don’t have any user accounts. #upacertaincreek
@tyronem Saw a SO answer on that a few weeks ago. Erm… Here: http://bit.ly/pzc8Kb <— beyond that, I know nothing, though.
Those soldiers in the Doctor Who episode I’m watching are wearing Federation helmets. Watch out for Servalan, Doc! #bbccrossoverwardrobe
@hayles Nice one! At some point, I think I may have to write a WordPress plugin for building maps like that…
@hayles Yup. Got it.
@hayles There’s a big gap where it would be, but nothing there.
@hayles I see no form.
@Markgatiss Just about to watch _Frontios_. This is all your fault :)
@archidave There’s a hashtag for people like you.
@technex Ooop. Well, it could be worse, at least you’re not on a hard shoulder somewhere.
I would just like to take a moment to apologise for all my non-computer-geek followers for today’s geeky tweets. I will calm down tomorrow.
arlinelyons So, I went to buy a pot. http://twitpic.com/5t3g0n
@drewm Probably helped that I put it on a laptop first to get used to it, alongside my main box running 10.6.
@drewm The new one isn’t half bad once you’re used to it. It’s a bit like the scrolling — roll with it for a week and see how you feel :)
Bah. *wrings out clothes*
@jbrownridge It’s okay. You didn’t miss much. Er. Okay, it’s just possible that I am lying.
@BlackDogDays But yeah, looks pretty good! http://instagr.am/p/IGdO…
@BlackDogDays Hoping very much for a shower no longer than 15 mins ;)
@BlackDogDays Safely on ferry :)
Tourist #commutergraphy :) http://instagr.am/p/IGb_…
@BlackDogDays I AM NOT HOME YET.
Harbour. http://instagr.am/p/IGZM…
@jcroft That seems to be the consensus (despite build number mistake in plist file…)
A variety of solutions if you want to see your Library folder in #Lion http://bit.ly/n3vRCj
@Easybourne Ta. Yur, it does have a more cohesive feel.
@arlinelyons Well, if you will plunk yourself in strange alien territories…
@arlinelyons I have no idea. Bloody lawyers.
Bloggity: Off the beaten track in #Lion: Little Lion Luxuries. http://bit.ly/llionl
@arlinelyons Heh. Yeah. People actually do warm-ups for John’s reviews. http://www.youtube.com/w…
MrMattAnderson RT @southwestrda: BBC News - Future Publishing to cut 100 jobs in Bath and worldwide bbc.in/p1p5rk < Not good :(
@fdr106 Hope you like it!
@Narshada Probably not today, sadly. Pesky work!
John Siracusa’s huge Lion review now up at Ars: http://arstechnica.com/a…
@fdr106 If upgrading a desktop, you may end up considering a trackpad, too. It’s very gesturey.
@fdr106 Ny verdict: for me, worth the upgrade. Many changes to get used to; some will divide opinion.
For anyone failing to find it, to add a new Desktop in Mission Control, move your mouse into the top corner; a “plus” will appear. #Lion
@BradleyLaw With the app in the correct Space, right click in Dock, Options -> Assign to This Desktop.
@donmcallister Other people seeing that too — see http://twitter.com/mattg…
@BradleyLaw Nope, pretty sure that’s not possible now.
@fdr106 No? I replaced mine with one.
@BradleyLaw Yeah, only possible *from* main area *to* desktop thumbnail in MC, I think.
@BradleyLaw Also, in Mission Control, can drag from main area (showing current Desktop) to any Desktop thumbnail at top.
@BradleyLaw If spaces are adjacent, just drag to edge of one space and hold; will auto switch in that direction.
(Not that the App Store link seems to be working yet, but I imagine that kind of thing take a while to push…)
UK Apple Store website now back up with new Airs and a link to Lion in the App Store.
@Narshada …for starters, I might pop in and buy a Trackpad…
@Narshada Heh. Good luck. Imagine you might be a bit busier the next few days…
@Phooto @asic69 I’m thinking of buying a trackpad for the desktop. Think these gesturey things might be quite nice.
@Phooto @asic69 My guess would be that you’ll be able to do same kind of thing as you do now, but use different method to do it.
@asic69 Depends exactly how you drag and how you flick, I believe. I understand things have changed significantly, but not disastrously.
@asic69 Er. In what way, exactly?
@BlackDogDays Sadly, I’m more of an Evans shape.
@Thehappyfatgirl Got my 6” erm… Hush Puppies.
@Thehappyfatgirl Sadly, I am getting into the more autumnal mood of today with a beige cashmere pullover.
Lots of pretty summer dresses around the office today. Well done on defying the gloomy weather, people.
BristolZooGdns We are very sad to hear that a Wow! Gorilla has been vandalised. We will be working hard to assess the damage & repair it asap
@paulahillier @ThePodCompany Sadly, the same kind of idiot who vandalised some of those public pianos we had for a while :(
@jacrats Arrrr!
@Easybourne Good luck! There is a compatibility wiki at roaringapps.com, but obviously not that complete yet.
@Easybourne I can only try it at home :) Work is Windows-only.
@Easybourne Take a backup. And check for Rosetta-dependent apps in advance. And update as many apps as poss first.
@BenPark It times like that I wish I were the kind of huge burly bloke who could walk up and quietly ask, “Can I help you with anything?”
@nigellegg That would have meant I’d walked past the fluorescent pink fountains yesterday without noticing. So I hope not!
@twittl3s Ta :)
@BlackDogDays I think they’ve used something a bit fluorescent. Certainly eye-catching!
Works well on the Centre’s little spouts, too! @BlackDogDays tells me it’s to promote Legally Blonde :) #Bristol http://instagr.am/p/IE_t…
Fairly sure the fountain steps water isn’t usually this colour… #bristol (Photo unfiltered!) http://instagr.am/p/IE_E…
@LouisTrapani I think you were typing in the wrong accent.
@LouisTrapani As you’d expect from weird stuff like this, it works fine here (the British way round.) http://lockerz.com/s/121…
@LouisTrapani Odd. So it thinks the language should be British English, maybe?