Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 29th, 2011

@Jorence @RamonYouseph See? And any minute now someone’ll say they hated it.

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@RamonYouseph But it’s also a real opinion-divider. So I think you’ll love it. Or hate it.

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@RamonYouseph Ah. I should probably have said that a few hours ago, then. It’s gone halfway through now.

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Damn, _Lost In Translation_ is *such* a good film.

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@KaveyF That’s probably a unique sentence, you know.

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@BristolBites Me and @ahnlak and @KaveyF went to @Rosemarino1 last time they were here. It was *lovely*.

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@MacworldUK @simonjary If you’re just getting started, I’d suggest @getrunningapp. Mind you, I’m a bit biased :)

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aedison Do you think the Germans have a word for the way that Germans always have a word for everything?

via Birdhouse (retweeted on 8:23 PM, Jul 29th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@thomasvenables Dunno. I saw a stall with a *lot* of garlic, but I assumed they were French.

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@stillawake mmit’s Mmm mmmretty damnmmm mmmmnice, ta :D

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@stillawake Chicken with chorizo and red wine, and a few other things. Chorizo, wine & olive bread from the French market in Queen Square :)

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@Thehappyfatgirl @BristolHarbFest Not going back out now to get a programme, so if there’s something great on in morning will prob. miss it.

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@kevinrj @alfredapp @callumchapman I’m fairly sure that’s always true, isn’t it? No point spending marketing money targeting 0.1% of users.

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@Thehappyfatgirl @BristolHarbFest What? Where? I live and work in the centre and forgot to find out where the hell to get one tonight.

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@KaveyF You know it’s only a little hill going down, though!

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@jackofoodie Seems to be happening a lot recently. Used any strange computers? Clinked any odd links? Authorised any new apps?

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@KaveyF @dave_buxton @BristolBites @ahnlak You’ll like this one — it’s *downhill* from my place!

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@jackofoodie Yup (NB: I wouldn’t type in the link shown in pic; guessing it’s a phishing scam.)…

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@jackofoodie I think your account’s been hacked. Just got a dodgy-looking DM from you with a link in it.

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@dave_buxton @BristolBites Good to know, bearing in mind I’m five minutes’ walk away! (Note for next visit, @KaveyF &a@ahnlaknlak)

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Have cheese, chorizo, merlot & olive bread. Harbourside French Market provides allstol

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Passing through the French Market on way home through Harbour Festival :)…

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is really hazy this evening.

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@floyduk @trekkie @kellysibson Scroll on trackpad = hold entire arm in air and move while keeping two fingers down. Well, is for me, anyway.

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@floyduk @trekkie @kellysibson Also, I’m *not* 100% sure it’s just practice. Scroll with mouse = hand resting on mouse, just moving fingers.

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@floyduk @trekkie @kellysibson I went for trackpad because then I can use the same gestures on the desk & laptop; should be more efficient.

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@floyduk @trekkie @kellysibson Depends how useful you find the gesturey bits, and whether you enjoy pretending to be in _Minority Report_ :)

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@floyduk @trekkie @kellysibson I don’t know how much of mine is innate awkwardness and how much is 20 years of practice with a mouse!

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@ahnlak And that is why you married @KaveyF, who will happily say anything you’re thinking. @tsunimee

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RT @japanphotos: Twitter May Soon Flag Tweets With NSFW Content Hmmmmm. <— Didn’t think 140 chars could fit so much fuc

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@tsunimee Well, that’s appropriate. I am water :)

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@KaveyF @Tom_Herbert_ But you did give me one of those plastic scrapey things to use when I made bread, at least :)

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@ahnlak You got four for a pound? Well, it wasn’t far off that cheap, and I only wanted one.

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@hayles @lgladdy I am imagining a very large fly swatter/machine gun combination.

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@hayles Hah! Well, you won’t get demmaps too much with that one.

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@KaveyF Oh. No, you didn’t. Never mind, I can still remember many of the tips from it :)

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It’s astounding how you can’t mention a certain Scandanavian flat-pack furniture company on here without getting immediately spammed :(

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@KaveyF I was looking for one for baking after I watch that Hobbs House video with you :) Found cheapy one in IKEA.

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@trekkie @floyduk @kellysibson I’m still not sure on the trackpad. My hand seems to be more tense/have to work harder than with a mouse. Hrm

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@tyronem Good day. All is slightly grey and a bit headachey. All will be better in a couple of hours when I’m out of work :)

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@tyronem Might I suggest a better set of filters for both? :)

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Given my background, it’s amazing how often I fail to realise that things tend to work better when you turn them on.

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daraobriain I doubt I’d agree with @LouiseMensch on a lot of things, but kudos to her, this is brilliant (via @DavidAllenGreen)

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 1:15 PM, Jul 29th, 2011 via Echofon)

Interesting! How NASA get a Nikon DSLR ready for space.

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@floyduk @ahnlak @toastroom And moaning about how the youngsters are changing things in your OS is an old man’s pleasure :)

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@ahnlak @floyduk @toastroom It depends how you’re trying to extract happiness at the time! Many happy hours spent recompiling Linux kernel!

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@floyduk @toastroom “I will try to live with the defaults and not try to configure this thing my way too much, otherwise I’ll go mad.”

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@floyduk @toastroom It probably helps that I first bought a Mac after being a Linux user for years, and deliberately adopted the mindset…

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@floyduk @KellySibson Yeah. Also, the “damn that’s annoying!” stuff in Lion seems different for every single person! But mostly it’s good.

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@floyduk @toastroom I find a lot of things Apple does completely annoying and stupid. But like I say, it’s a “least worst” decision for me!

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@floyduk @toastroom Agreed. Scrollbars convey information; disappearing them seems dumb. Think Apple got that one wrong.

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@floyduk @toastroom Took me about a week; now I don’t even think about it. Honest. Turning scrollbars back on for a bit may help with that.

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@floyduk @toastroom I use PC at work all day and a Mac all other times. Took longer to get used to the diff. keyboards than the new scroll.

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@floyduk @toastroom Yes; the Chromium team are currently looking into hooking into the new Lion API stuff to do Full Screen, swipes, etc.

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@toastroom @floyduk Interesting point. Yes, as a halfway house, they’re pretty much screwed either way if they want to be consistent.

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@floyduk @toastroom That, I would say, is both annoying and a mistake. I hadn’t noticed that, because I’m using “natural” scrolling.

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@floyduk @toastroom Also, you can just turn that off: backwards-compatibility.

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@floyduk Doubt it. But perhaps they would have, if MS had managed to release a wildly successful portable device.

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@floyduk @toastroom So I’m not sure MS have any massive kudos over Apple in terms of keeping their user experience backward-compatible.

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@floyduk @toastroom Perhaps a more apposite point is that there were plenty of big UI/experience changes to get used to from XP->Vista->Win7

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@floyduk @toastroom Yes, and it works pretty terribly, in my experience. Anyway, sorry, mostly being a bit sarky there, sorry.

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@floyduk @toastroom Yeah, but they won’t guarantee that the three new versions of IE are backwards-compatible :)

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@floyduk @toastroom As someone forced to use IE6, I’m not sure how I feel about MS’s backwards compatibility.

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@floyduk @toastroom Wonder if that’s because most businesses felt MS weren’t that good at new business OSes, either!

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@floyduk @toastroom Don’t know much about modern businesses and OS upgrades. Feels like I’ve been using Windows XP at work for decades now!

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@floyduk Won’t bother with Launchpad, either. Finding Full Screen bloody handy on 11” Air, though.

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@floyduk Ah. Well, I’m not generally using them. Noticing heavy Spaces users seem especially galled by changes; I never really used Spaces.

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@toastroom @floyduk That’s my view, I think. Can understand it even if, as an old-school geek, some of the changes seem quite odd to me.

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@floyduk @toastroom Well, it’s always an option, isn’t it? Sadly, I generally choose OSes based on “least worst” rather than “best” :)

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@floyduk It may be nicer than you think; quite well thought-out.

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@floyduk IYSWIM. Lion is also designed to quit apps it thinks you’re not using, but in a fairly transparent way.

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@floyduk That feels like the way Lion is designed to be used, though; similar to way you don’t have to quit apps on iOS.

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@floyduk Ah, you found it. Yeah, think it rearranges in similar way to app order when Cmd-Tabbing through apps. Doesn’t work so well in MC.

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@callumchapman @HeathC @lukejonesme Installed on my iMac and ended up with 10-page Launchpad! Daunting to organise.

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@callumchapman @HeathC @lukejonesme Pretty sure it’s designed for non-techy iOS users buying their first Mac.

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@callumchapman I can’t see Launchpad being that attractive to the geeky crowd like me; we’re all using app launchers anyway! (@alfredapp)

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@hayles (Autumn is a walk; there’s also pub meet last Thursday of each month.)

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@hayles They’re just announced in the Bristol discussion group ( I think.) Autumn one just announced.

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Oddly, I feel these would have looked better without flowers, as I might not have noticed the ugly things.…

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Happy Friday. May you all have… Er… Cheeks of joy!…

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@MarkTaylorFood Ah, okay. Maybe I’ll give that one a go at some point. Ta!

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@MarkTaylorFood Which one’s Real Wrap? I’ve tried new one on Centre (dull) and heard bad things about one on Park Street (Mission B.?)

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@MarkTaylorFood @BristolBites We had none, then three came along all at once….

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Nice to see the harbour full of boats ready for the festival.

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