Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 22nd, 2011

@theladyisugly Mission Control, then put mouse in top right corner. Plus sign appears.

via Echofon

@hayles There will be a fair bit of love and hate for Lion, I’m betting.

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@hayles I guess I don’t mind so much because I never used Spaces much before anyway. Think I’ll use this more.

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@hayles To fix an app to a particular Desktop, right-click its Dock icon. Options -> Assign To.

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@hayles Also, you can drag an app window from main bit of mission control up there and drop on the plus — app goes into new Space.

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@hayles Mission control, then mouse up to the top left corner. Plus button appears.

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@hayles Dunno. I never used the up & down. Four-finger swipe FTW though.

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@hayles It’s rather different. You may have lost some things and gained others, with Spaces/Mission Control.

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@hayles Thirdly, fire up Photo Booth in Full Screen mode and play with the face-tracking effects. Birds!

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@hayles Also, buy a Trackpad and pretend to be Tom Cruise in _Minority Report_. Swoosh!

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@hayles Check all your beloved software and see if there are Lion updates available.

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@mattgemmell Either that, or a shaded gradient at the edge of the content if it’s not at full scroll. Fades to transparent as you reach end.

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@mattgemmell Wondering if there should be a little cut-out shape in the border /\ shaded linen if nothing there, hint of content otherwise.

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@mattgemmell Yah. It’s pretty, but there’s too much information loss. Can’t see a nice way around it myself.

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@KaveyF Good. Because it took me about nine bloody attempts to get the angle right :)

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@nicepaul Well, you’ve got to think that that bit should have been written by the lawyers, who are *meant* to be pedantic, damn it!

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@radimm Top tip! Thanks, now I have a working version.

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@d_kieffer Current MAS version crashes on start in Lion for me. Maybe they’ve pulled it until they can fix it.

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@hayles Probably. Although the SSD disk makes the Air quite sprightly, and I suppose a lot of the time is writing to disk.

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@hayles It was under an hour even on my little Air.

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It is impossible to make scrambled eggs and toss a salad without getting the theme from _Frasier_ stuck in your head.

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@daycoder Yup. Gone. I hadn’t used it since they took AirTunes speakers support away in Snow Leopard, the bastards.

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@jasonfried I had one blank page issue with another site — Safari/Lion doesn’t seem to like broken stylesheet links (invalid hostnames.)

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@macworld Please tell me they’re doing it to concentrate on Lineform development.

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@hotdogsladies Going Indie, please. Especially as I just quit :)

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TellyApp Shocking scenes - first video of the scene near the bomb blast in Oslo outside Government Headquarters @Twitvid

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:15 PM, Jul 22nd, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@csoanes I am unlikely to spoil the for you. Unless you are as yet unaware that it involves bicycles, and France.

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@jessicahische Whoop! Loading just fine now. Also: lovely site, by the way. Got distracted from saying that by the loading problem :)

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@jessicahische @StrangeNative It’s hanging trying to grab stylesheet http://dontfeartheintern… <— note missing .com!

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Cbanxo RT @RbnOrient: rocked by a huge explosion in ministerial building. Aerial pic

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 3:10 PM, Jul 22nd, 2011 via Echofon)

@jessicahische Might just be this machine for some reason — will check on my other Lion box when I get home.

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@jessicahische This is Safari 5.1 on Lion — wondering if that has something to do with it. Fine in FF & Chrome on same machine.

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@jessicahische Still nothing. It’s really weird — if I “view source” I can see the whole page source fine. But browser window empty…

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@jessicahische @StrangeNative Should I be scared that http://www.dontfearthein… is blank page for me in Safari? (Works in Chrome!)

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@mattgemmell Also, try playing a video in iTunes or QT full screen on secondary display. :(

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@51bits My first thought was to wonder how many spam tweets and followers you’re going to get just by mentioning that word…

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@BlackDogDays I AM NOT WEARING SIX ANORAKS. Also, I decided to walk today. @sjtanton has just sailed into the distance.

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