Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 15th, 2011

@iamdanw My friends in retail have already got Christmas planned. I don’t like the world we live in.

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“Three CDs of pure garage anthems”? A return to the 1980s is more ways than one.

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@hayles I am, you know. Luckily, acting like a child keeps me young.

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@MrGreenGus That is very deliberate. Camera is a 400D, processing done in Lightroom.

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@hayles In terms of crush for a 38-year-old, I’m not sure which would be more worrying. It’d be a bit… Oh. _Ghost World_, in fact.

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@hayles Agahahahahshaha. Thora *Birch*. Sorry, bad with actor’s names.

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@hayles Oh. No, no crush. Just love every film I’ve seen her in.

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Why did I record this? Oh. Thora Hird. Yes, that probably explains it.

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A couple of photos from this evening’s walk home. Down: Across:

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Mmm. Pie Minister “Moo Pie” for dinner.

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@kshack22 Excellent. An extra hour in bed! Can they change every day, please?

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@PrisRosen Thank you. The NCP car park wasn’t, but it was worth it for the view :)

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Did the clocks go forward? Waitrose have all their lights off like they’re closing, but there’s an hour to go…

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@emmafurious @stillawake @Jorence @BlackDogDays Okay, let’s postpone. Might be sunnier on another day, too!

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Just had a beer in the rather swish Urban Wood. Now heading home, hopefully before ALL THE RAIN IN THE WORLD falls on me.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Hrm. Maybe camera isn’t set to USB connection mode. Setting for it on some cameras. Can you use card reader instead?

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@Thehappyfatgirl Also: try a different port; try a different cable; make sure camera has battery. Then go freaky on that shit.

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@chrisphin I take the approach of drinking until I don’t care I have a cold. If I’m going to feel awful in the morning *anyway*…

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@chrisphin Really? I find scotch very comforting for a cold.

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@hayles Cunning ruse. Next you’ll tell us you can tell the bank from our a/c number, and after that it’ll be mother’s maiden name and DOB…

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@mikeotaylor Maybe it was an elaborate double-bluff.

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(Although, frankly, I don’t care much about the exact methods of reducing bike thefts as long as it seems to be working…)

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@cmb Yeah, but only the Daily Mail.

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@ASPolice: Almost there …” <- When on way to raid, should you use Twitter geolocation!?

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I’ll have to try this: hacking a normal flatbed scanner into a negative scanner with the power of shiny cardboard:

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RT @BristolBites: <— That’s the first time I’ve seen anyone marching down Park Street without being kettled…

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RT @BristolBites: There’s LOADS of them! <— Oooh. Hello, soldier.

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@ahnlak This is mostly because in the past, several hours into sorting some problem out, I’ve thought, “I would pay £50 for competence now.”

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@ahnlak You put a lot more effort into this than I do. Pick: “Are they gits?” “No”. “Good”. Renew: “Are they gits yet?” “No.” “Good.”

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@ahnlak Although I think they only have an iPhone app for meter readings so far :)

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@ahnlak Shame. I think I chose Southern Electric after finding they had the lowest complaints/customer, and they’ve been good.

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@ahnlak Don’t do it! Vote with your wallet and choose a company that aren’t gits.

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I have just been experimenting with CSS3. Which is why this looks like arse in IE, but better in good browsers: http://www.onthescales.c…

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RT @nicepaul: “RT @whatterz: @nicepaul Twitter no longer supports RSS.” – AT ALL?! What craziness is this?! <- Grrrr!

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@mikeotaylor Thank you. I shall now proceed to auto-tweet my horoscope thirty five times in a row.

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@stillawake @RamonYouseph @emmafurious @Jorence I can do 10:30. You might want an umbrella, folks, looking at the forecast.

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@danfairs Also, er, my friend Bob says that mysql binaries are fine, and it continues working after an in-place upgrade.

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@daycoder Thanks! Really must figure out a way to do . I feel guilty missing people out and also guilty flooding with tweets :(

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@danfairs @jezdez Hopefully that’s mysql not compiling under a beta of XCode, rather than Lion per se. Anyone reported it to Apple?

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@dave_buxton Thank you. Love seeing little opportunities like this on way to work. Walked past them a thousand times before today!

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@emmafurious @BlackDogDays @stillawake @Jorence I’m up for it. Although it’s going to be odd having the reward before the jog ;)

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Thea Gilmore, Babyshambles, Cyndi Lauper, Pulp, Madonna, Fish, Dire Straits, The Damned, The Rolling Stones.

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This morning, I’m listening to music on shuffle. @ The Spring Garden…

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